Next Match 6 draw
- Est. jackpot
- $1.25 Million
- 17 hours
- 52 mins
Date | Result | Prize |
Match | Prize | Odds per play | Odds per line |
6 | Jackpot | 1 in 4,661,272 | 1 in 13,983,816 |
5 | $1,000 | 1 in 18,067 | 1 in 54,200.8 |
4 | $20 | 1 in 344.47 | 1 in 1,032.4 |
3 | $2 | 1 in 19.22 | 1 in 56.7 |
Overall odds of winning a prize in Match 6 are 1 in 54. |
Match | Prize | Odds |
10+ | $2,500 | 1 in 597,303 |
9 | $1,000 | 1 in 45,267 |
8 | $50 | 1 in 4,440 |
7 | $25 | 1 in 590.91 |
6 | $10 | 1 in 106.74 |
5 | $5 | 1 in 26.37 |
4 | $2 | 1 in 9.07 |
Overall odds of winning a prize in combined play are 1 in 5.90. |
Draw day | Draw time | Sales close |
Sunday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Monday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Tuesday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Wednesday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Thursday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Friday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
Saturday | 6:59 p.m. | 6:57 p.m. |
All times are in Pennsylvania local time. |
Draws are held every night at 6:59 p.m.
Pick six numbers between 1 and 49, or use Quick Pick for random numbers. Two additional lines of six numbers are automatically generated. Play up to 26 consecutive draws in advance. After the draw, check if you’ve won.
The jackpot starts at $500,000 and grows until it’s won.
You can win $2 if you match three numbers on a single line, or four across all lines.
In combined play, prizes are based on the numbers of matches across all 18 numbers on your ticket.
You can win a prize once in the base play, plus an additional prize in the combined play. If you win on more than one line in the base play, you only receive the highest prize.
Prizes are always paid out all at once as a lump sum.