Lottery Numerology Predictions

Lottery USA is your best source for free astrological predictions and lucky lottery numbers. Every week we bring you the most up to date astrological forecasts for all signs of the zodiac.


Aries icon

Back on the saddle

An unexpected fall while you were at the top of your game may have you feeling deflated and unwilling to keep going. It is alright to want some time on the sidelines. However, letting too much time pass may cause you to get distracted by something new and flashy. 2 is your confirmation that your initial goal was valid and worthwhile. The universe may send a little encouragement. 37 says you will know it when you receive it. Take a moment to appreciate the progress made thus far. You are part of a small minority doing what makes them truly happy.

  • 2
  • 37

Aries lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Taurus icon

Volunteering opportunity

Making inroads in a new space may seem daunting, but a little planning could hand you keys to the castle. Picking a strategy and following through with it to the end is crucial for your long-term joy.17 says you have much more in your hands than you realize. What you lack in other resources could be substituted by time in your hands. Volunteering your skills could leave you multiple steps ahead of the competition. 43 is an affirmation that seeds planted now will bear fruit in season. Time is a fair judge, after all. Let your actions be louder than any promises you can make.

  • 17
  • 43

Taurus lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Gemini icon

Cut it into chunks

You may be stressing over a seemingly insurmountable goal for which you set a personal deadline. The anxiety is only likely to increase in the coming weeks if you do not change tact. 17 says you may be better served setting small milestones and focusing less on the big, hairy target. Help is around you if you can request it. 49 says your organizational skills are better utilized in bringing talent together rather than attempting to learn every skill. Time moves fast, and execution is genius. A single result is far more powerful than a hundred plans on paper.

  • 17
  • 49

Gemini lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Cancer icon

Cutting losses

Moving on is not always easy when you have put your heart and soul into something for a long time. In certain situations, though, a quick exit is important to save yourself from too much heartache. 11 says your garden is ready for a new crop as the new season approaches. 59 calls for a fresh perspective, but this may take a while to understand. What feels like pain eventually gives way to excitement about your future. Some morning stretching exercises could set you up to have wonderful and productive days in the coming weeks. A glass of fresh fruit juice never hurt anyone, did it?

  • 11
  • 59

Cancer lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Leo icon

The forest

Listening to your intuition will rarely cause you to go wrong. However, you will need to be on the right frequency to realize when the message is delivered. In the coming days, moments of silent meditation could be incredibly important for your next big accomplishment. 18 is symbolic of trees in a forest, where each has its unique properties. Your fruit will never be the same as the next person’s, so there is no point in comparison. 57 says you should always be kind to yourself. Moments of growth and learning are as important as the victory parades.

  • 18
  • 57

Leo lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Virgo icon

Life outside

Being caught up in your pursuits may distort your view of what’s going on in the world around you. A delayed outcome on an important matter may cause you to get upset more quickly than you normally would. This week, you may get the chance to re-look everything and perhaps be more measured with your opinion. 6 says there is a lot of beauty around you. 33 symbolizes abundance and opportunities to expand income streams. It all comes in trickles rather than gushes. A patient hunter knows when to pounce and never wastes the arrows in their quiver.

  • 6
  • 33

Virgo lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Libra icon


As excitement begins to rise due to an upcoming trip with loved ones, you may want to spare some time to thrash out your list of activities. Spontaneity may sound exciting, but you may risk missing out on a few exciting things to see. 14 indicates you should consider extending your trip to finish all you wanted to do. 42 says there is no harm in looking out for discounts. A few bargains could be waiting for you to hunt them down. You may feel like you are the only one looking ahead and making adjustments for everyone around you. There is nothing wrong with playing that role, too.

  • 14
  • 42

Libra lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Scorpio icon

It pays off

Seeds thrown inadvertently into the right soil can spring into large trees. A hobby you enjoy could eventually turn into a tangible source of revenue.16 says you might have to make a tough decision in due time. Results are directly proportional to time and effort, and these are your most precious resources. 26 says what comes easily to you does not for others. You ought to leverage it as any wise person would. There are a couple of good examples to study from in your circles. You may be surprised at how eager they are to teach.

  • 16
  • 26

Scorpio lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Sagittarius icon

Your sanctuary

A strong desire to rekindle your creativity and enthusiasm for work may have you racking up your brain in search of answers. 10 says that it perhaps has something to do with the external rather than what you feel. Your workspace may be due to a fresh look. A new coat of paint could change the entire mood. 39 says there is no cause for panic, and you ought to allow the ship to ride the waves. Try out a couple of configurations, and everything will click again. A walk in the middle of your workday might be a better way to spend your break time than being on your devices.

  • 10
  • 39

Sagittarius lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Capricorn icon


A sense of calm and optimism is a sign that you are in a great headspace. Putting in self-work is paying great dividends. 5 says you are less concerned about what is going on with other people’s lives. Using the right scale to measure your progress is extremely necessary when most people are preoccupied with the transient things of life. 24 is symbolic of the inexplicable joy of being in the right place and in tune with self. The next weeks are likely to pass quickly as you get busier with work. A frequent journaling practice should help you stay on course with your long-term plans.

  • 5
  • 24

Capricorn lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Aquarius icon


An evening date with a special person could turn into a more wonderful experience than you anticipated. You may realize more reasons to treasure what you have with them. According to 26, you may be approaching an experimental phase, and exotic outfits and accessories might start to appeal to you. 41 says you should not hold back from pushing the envelope and discovering new things about you. You may unlock a new level of bravery, which puts you in a position to go for more business opportunities. The most incredible things happen when fear turns into audaciousness.

  • 26
  • 41

Aquarius lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024


Pisces icon


Being let down by someone you care for can be difficult to process when you want nothing but the best for them. It may require a few weeks to get over but it might be a lesson to you too. 22 says no one can avoid putting in the work to bring forth results. You may be putting your reputation in jeopardy by recommending someone who is not ready yet. 55 says you ought to let them swim and take the lessons that come with it. We all have to learn to navigate the storms of life on our own.

  • 22
  • 55

Pisces lucky number predictions

July 21 to July 27 2024